


  Advisory Services


Tax Preparation & Planning

We know one of your top priorities is paying less in taxes. This is best achieved through comprehensive tax planning. Whether you’re an individual or a corporation, we can accommodate your needs. We work with you throughout the year to develop a customized plan with tax-saving strategies that are tailored to your unique situation. Our personal, one-on-one service and expert tax return preparation and advice will give you peace of mind, knowing that your tax return is in capable hands.

We are diligent about remaining up-to-date on the changing tax laws and will examine all of the tax-saving opportunities available to you. We are committed to minimizing your tax liabilities and maximizing your future opportunities—while remaining in full compliance with IRS statutes.

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Estate & Trust Tax Preparation

Estate matters affect everyone. By taking proactive steps today, you can ease the way for your heirs during a very difficult time. We can work with your legal counsel to help you to structure your estate and trusts to minimize taxes and ensure the smooth transition to your heirs. We are available to handle all estate and trust tax-related matters.

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QuickBooks™ Consulting Services

Our team can help your business utilize QuickBooks™ to its fullest potential. With our expert knowledge of the QuickBooks platform, we can help your organization increase productivity and generate more complete income and expense information, allowing you to access the accurate information you need to make strategic decisions.

Let Dirkse & Associates Ltd provide the in-depth knowledge you need to optimize the use of QuickBooks in your organization. Ask us about our QuickBooks set-up and training options. We’ll have you up and running quickly and using the QuickBooks platform more efficiently, saving you valuable time, while you put accurate and invaluable information to work for your company.

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If your business does not currently have accounting staff or if your business is outgrowing its current bookkeeping system, we can provide comprehensive bookkeeping and write-up services to ensure the smooth operation of the financial side of your business. As your business needs grow and change, we can provide input and planning assistance to make sure your accounting and financial systems keep pace with your business needs.

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Advisory Services

We support clients on a full-service basis. Our advisory services ensure that you are successful from the launch of your business and as you move forward. We know that there are many aspects of running a successful operation, and that’s why we cover all the bases—offering everything from entity selection and initial setup of your accounting records to accounting software conversion and QuickBooks training. Take a moment to review our complete list of consulting services, and consider the items that meet your needs:

  • Accounting software conversion and implementation
  • QuickBooks training and consultation
  • Management and control systems review
  • Litigation support
  • Business valuation
  • Strategic planning
  • Entity selection
  • Financial planning
  • College education funding planning
  • Retirement distribution planning
  • Trustee, executor, and administrator service

IRS Representation

We also provide expert IRS representation services because we understand that few things evoke more fear than receiving a notice from the IRS. We act as your representative in front of state and federal agencies to help resolve your issue in a timely manner with as little stress as possible. Professional representation can be vital during an audit, and our experience with tax authorities enables us to guide you through your situation with ease and expertise.

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Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is critical in these uncertain times. Whether you are developing a retirement plan for yourself or choosing a retirement plan to offer to your employees, we can help you evaluate the available options. Our focus is on helping you to make the choice that is most appropriate for your own financial situation. If you are choosing a retirement plan for your business, we will base our recommendations on the unique characteristics of your business and your employee population, as well as the legal and compliance issues related to each type of plan.

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Business Entity Selection

The business entity—LLP, LLC, sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, etc.— that you select for your business has enormous financial and tax implications. It is important that you make the right decision. We can explain each choice and its implications. As your business grows and changes, the type of business entity you choose may need to change also.

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Sales Tax Audit Representation

State and local tax authorities are looking to maximize sales tax collections. We can help you understand and manage your sales tax obligations and prepare sales tax returns in an efficient and timely manner.

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Business Consulting

As a true business partner, we are available to help you deal with any business problem or opportunity. We stand ready to engage in business consulting projects to help you make the right decisions for the future of your business. Whether you face questions related to expanding, selling or restructuring your business, we have the necessary business acumen and analytical capabilities to help you make the right decisions.

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Buying or Selling a Business

Few business decisions are more important, complex and potentially business altering than a buy or sell decision. When you are ready to sell your business, we can provide support at every step, including valuing the business, vetting potential buyers, and supporting due diligence. If a buying opportunity presents itself, we can help by providing valuation services, developing negotiation and financing strategies, and managing the due diligence process.

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